3 minutes
React.js Problem Solving Notes
This series of posts summaries the problems/issues I met during work, and the solutions of how I solved these problems.
How do I parse a
data file to pass into this DevExtreme component and render out a series of area charts?Data looks like:
type Data = { period_index: number, breakdown: { sessions: number, conversions: number, avg_page_views: number, avg_time_on_page: number, new_users: number, } }[]
parseData = (data: Data | any) => { if (data.length > 0) { const sampleData = data[0]; const keys = Object.keys(sampleData.breakdown); const resultWithMonth = data.map((d: { period_index: number; month: number; date: string; }) => { const month = (d.period_index % 12) + 1 const date = moment(`${month}`, "M").format('MMM') d.month = month d.date = date return d }) const result = keys.map(key => { const dataSource = resultWithMonth.map((d: { period_index: any; breakdown: { [x: string]: any; }; date: any; }) => { return { period_index: d.period_index, [key]: d.breakdown[key], monthString: d.date } }) return { title: key, subtitle: numeral(dataSource[dataSource.length - 1][key]).format('0,0'), dataSource } }) return result } return [] } parseMonthData = (period: string) => { const month = (parseInt(period) % 12) + 1 const year = 1900 + (parseInt(period) - (parseInt(period) % 12)) / 12 const date = moment(`${month}`, "M").format('MMMM') return date }
Chart looks like:
How to parse data and get color ranges so that the colors in the table are dynamically changed based on the value in the cell?
const COLUMNS = ['value', 'count', 'Clicks', 'Conversions', 'Cost', 'avg_cpm', 'avg_cpc', 'avg_cpa'] const COLOR = '#1c558e' const getColorRanges = (data: DataType[] | any): number[][] => { const colorRanges = COLUMNS.map(col => { if (col === 'value') return [] //keywords, do nothing. const sorted = data .map((x: DataType) => x[col]) .sort((a: number, b: number) => a - b); return [sorted[0], sorted[sorted.length - 1]]; }) return colorRanges } const colorRanges = getColorRanges(data); const getBackgroundColor = (column: string, value: number) => { const columnIndex = COLUMNS.indexOf(column); const colorRange = colorRanges[columnIndex]; const [min, max] = colorRange; const colorWeight = (value - min) / (max - min); const color = COLOR + Math.ceil(128 + colorWeight * 127).toString(16); const opacity = (128 + colorWeight * 127) / 255 return [color, opacity]; } // inside the devExpress data Grid component, there's a config is called `cellRender`, where you can adjust the style and/or render config for cells. cellRender={cell => { const columnWithDollar = ['Cost', 'CPC', 'CPM', 'CPA'] const { caption } = cell.column if (col !== 'value') { const [backgroundColor, opacity] = getBackgroundColor(col, cell.data[col]); cell.cellElement.style.backgroundColor = backgroundColor if (opacity > 0.9) { cell.cellElement.style.color = '#ddd' } return (columnWithDollar.includes(caption) ? (numeral(cell.data[col]).format('$0,0.00')) : (numeral(cell.data[col]).format('0,0'))); } else return cell.data[col] }}
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